Wynn/Marchman Scholarships & Grants

The African American Youth Leadership Conference's commitment is to support, promote, and foster leadership, education, and positive self-esteem among youth. The AAYLC established the Debra Wynn/Cleasther Marchman Scholarship in 1996 on the recommendation of Dr. Anne Bouie.
These youth scholarships provide financial assistance to high school seniors who plan to pursue college or vocational studies after graduation. Grants are given to students in grades 6 through 11 who want to participate in an educational program, event, or activity sponsored by their school, church, or community. Over $250,000.00 has been awarded to students to date.
The Wynn/Marchman Scholarship Committee believes that all high school students who have demonstrated passion, dedication, and commitment to furthering their education by demonstrating: Confidence, Consciousness of Society, Commitment to Self and the Community, Competency at Grade Level and Caring for Self and Others should be given the opportunity to apply for a scholarship. Students with a GPA of 2.0 and higher are eligible to apply for our youth leadership scholarship.
In addition, the AAYLC is honored to be in partnership with Colorado College by annually awarding Wynn/Marchman Scholarship Prize. This award is designated for a Colorado College student engaged in curricular and/or co-curricular activities related to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Scholarships and grants are awarded to seniors in high school who chose to attend a college, university, or vocational school both in and out of state. Grants have been awarded for students to attend:
Barcelona, Spain and Florence, Italy - 21st Century Program – Harrison High School
Cameroon, Africa – Colorado Springs School Experiential Seminar
Dublin, London, Paris - Educational Trip - Harrison High School
England, Iceland, Scotland and Wales – People to People International Student Educational Program
Eagle Boy Scout Camp Program
Georgetown University’s Medical Summer Camp
HBCU (Historical Black Colleges and Universities) College Tour
Lawrence, KS - Duke University Summer Science Program
Leading Edge of Leadership Pikes Peak
Pine Bluff, AR – Operation Skyward Bound Youth Aviation Conference
Rhode Island – United States Scholar-Athlete Games
San Diego – Sea Camp
Vienna, Austria – International Dance Festival - Delores Huerta Preparatory High School, Pueblo, CO
Washington, DC – Educational Trip – Gorman Middle School
Washington, DC – HOBY World Leadership Conference
Washington, DC – Howard University Summer Medical Institute
Washington, DC – National Youth Leadership Forum on Law
High School students who have previously received scholarships and grants represent the following Colorado School Districts:
Academy District 20
Cheyenne Mountain District 12
Colorado Springs District 11
Early College and Charter Schools
Falcon District 49
Fountain/Ft. Carson District 8
Harrison School District 2
Manitou Springs District 14
Widefield District 3
We would be delighted to assist you in achieving your professional objectives. Apply now for the Wynn/Marchman Scholarship!